Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
"Thanksgiving in South Carolina"
Monday, November 17, 2008
" Crazy November"
It has been so crazy the past 2 weeks at our home. The first week in November was fall break for the kids. They had the week off from school, and it was a full week, first with eye appointments for Jon and myself. Then on Tuesday ,the election which I think Jones is still having a hard time coming to grips with. That Thursday for Jon's 13th birthday we took him and a friend to Nashville to eat at the Rain Forest Cafe and Friday was football the school's team is in the play-offs so band is still a constant for the kids on Fridays. Then this past week I got sick with a respiratory virus and have been in the bed for 4 days. The kids only had a four day week of school last week because of veterans day. So, they are loving the month of November;.Because next week they only go to school 2 days and then they are out for Thanksgiving. Which means they have only attended school 11 days this month. Hopefully, the rest of the month will be not as heck-tic .
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
"What A Beautiful Day In The Country!'
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Pears,Pears,and more Pears"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
With Ike hitting Texas today and the threat of the damage to the nations oil refineries. Here in the gulf coast state of Alabama the Governor has declared a state of emergency over gas and price gouging. Yesterday , morning I filled my car up and paid 3.67 a gallon an hour later gas had gone up to 4.00 a gallon .Then by the time I picked up the kid from school gas stations were either out of gas or had limits on the amounts of gallons people could get. People were going crazy getting gas yesterday the kids said kids were living school early to go get gas and the lines at the pumps were crazy long . The stations that did have gas the price was anywhere from 4.50 a gallon to 5.35 a gallon and the crazy thing people where lined up paying that price.Today the stations without gas is unbelievable and when they are able to restock gas will continue to be over 4.00 a gallon . I never thought 3.67 a gallon looked so good.
Jon's First Night in Marching Band!
These are pictures of Jon' s first football game playing with the High School Band . They are marching off the field after the game was over. I also took pictures of Sylvi that night put it was raining and the pictures did not come out . The hats they are wearing they have a big black ploom that goes on it but because of the rain they did not wear it. Maybe next time the weather and the pictures will be better.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
OK, I can no longer sit quietly by and watch this junk infest my home and not say anything. And, I know some of you are thinking just turn off the TV, but it is on the radio, in the paper, on the computer, on billboards, and signs on streets. I can not take anymore of the lies, the pandering, the sidestepping, the under experience. I MEAN DO YOU RALLY THINK THAT MIDDLE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS IS THAT STUPID! And what's with the over the top Hollywood shows that need to be in Vegas come on what are you running for President or King of Spamalot. We are facing real issue in America and We need some one who can fix those issues. And I am afraid people are only looking at the historical aspect view of this race. Not the true issues at hand. And come on why don't people give Conda Lisa Rice her do's! After all she is the first African-American woman to be Secretary of State. Isn't there historical value in that! Well, I can only say that think goodness that to night is the last night of this junk on TV...That is until next weeks coverage of the other side...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Man, were have the last two weeks gone. It has been so crazy busy here. Finally, the In-laws 50th Anniversary party is over and done with.That was like an insane 4 day trip. While we were there Kevin(Jone's brother in-law) had to have some type of out-patient angioplasties done on his heart; due to problems he has been having from his double lung transplant. He is doing well and was able to to attended the party it was just all a very hectic time. We got home just in time to attended open house for Jon's school. And do all the Back to School shopping that had to be done this week before the first day of school which is TODAY. That's right to day is the first day of school here and JON was so nervous about starting high school (so was mom).Sylvi's in 10th grade this year (this will be her 4 year at this school ); High School here is 7th thru 12th grade. Sylvi also got her driving permit this week so watch out on the highway...Have been trying to keep my composer all week and not brake down my baby's are growning up and on top of everything else I received a visit from a little something called menopause." Damn, Just Got to love live!"
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Well, it has been a busy July for us so far. Last week We had relatives visiting for Fourth of July and we all went to Chattanooga,TN . We had the usual cookout and We all went to see the big fireworks display. I took lots of pictures and hope to have some up very soon. I've also been working on my in-laws 5oth wedding anniversary party with my sister- in- law. This has been quite interesting because we live so far away from each other , And it has been all done on the phone. But to day I finally sent out all of the invitations(all 89 of them)And I am so glad to be finally finished with that. Now if I can just find a 50th anniversary topper any ideas?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Well, finally a place for us to keep all our family and friends informed and up to date on everything going on . And for us to share a little about Alabama and what we have seen and learned during some of our travels.......
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